Wrapping Up the Year with a Successful 2021 Copperleaf Nordic AIPM Forum!
On December 1st, Copperleaf® hosted its annual Nordic Asset Investment Planning & Management (AIPM) Forum in Copenhagen’s Tivoli Gardens. Asset investment and portfolio planning professionals from leading electrical, gas, rail, and water companies had the opportunity to network, share, and learn from each other’s successes and experiences.
The Nordic AIPM Forum was a great success, and we cannot wait to meet again next year. Thank you to all our valued clients and partners for sharing their experiences and helping to grow the community together.
Christina Jørgensen
Regional Sales Manager Nordics
Driving Better Decisions at Iceland’s Largest Electricity Producer
Guest speaker Unnur Þorvaldsdóttir, Director of Wind Development at Landsvirkjun, explained how the Copperleaf Decision Analytic Solution helps the company make better, faster decisions and identify long-term investment needs based on asset risk, age, and condition. She explained why she believes AIPM belongs at the strategic management level of organisations and shared her experience in making this happen at one of the largest renewable energy companies in Europe.
The AIPM Journey: From Getting Started to Managing Change
In the Industry Insights session, asset management leaders from KPMG, PwC, and Implement Consulting Group, shared tips on how to get started with value-based, risk-informed decision making, and how to approach change management throughout the AIPM journey.
Delegates particularly enjoyed reference to a common persona, “George”, who knows the network better than anyone else and is resistant to the changes brought about by implementing an asset management system. Niels Knudsen, Partner at Implement Consulting Group, explained why people like George resist change and how to best understand and navigate their concerns.
The Nordic AIPM Forum is a good opportunity to gain insight into applied asset management use cases and network with smart people in the Nordic asset management community.
Anders Hertz Ørsted
Portfolio Planner
Radius Elnet
Delsher Mirza poses with Christina Jørgensen / Unnur Þorvaldsdóttir presents a case study on Landsvirkjun
Ensuring Efficient, Sustainable, and Future-proof Energy Supply at KONSTANT
KONSTANT, an electricity distribution system operator (DSO), has a goal of becoming one of the most efficient network companies in Denmark. KONSTANT faces an exciting, but complex, AIPM future. The company must balance an increase in investment to continue delivering reliable service, while also supporting higher electricity consumption due to changes in the energy space, such as conversion to green forms of energy.
VISUE, Copperleaf’s client in the advanced supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and IT security services space, is owned by 13 utilities, which provide shared services to over 1.5 million customers. VISUE implemented the Copperleaf solution to provide its DSOs, including KONSTANT, with a shared decision support system to plan investments and manage risk in a streamlined and optimised way.
Jesper Langvad, Senior Project Manager at KONSTANT, and Stine Søgaard Pedersen, Data Scientist Asset Management at VISUE, presented a case study on the benefits they’ve experienced using Copperleaf’s solution. The Q&A session following the presentation provided other network companies with an opportunity to discuss challenges and exchange best practices.
Optimised Asset Investment Planning & Management for the Energy Transition
The Forum also featured a look at the next steps towards a CO2 neutral society. Mads Krogh, Head of Division for the Energy Islands Program at the Danish Energy Agency, explained how the world’s first energy islands will operate as green power plants at sea and are expected to play a major role in the phasing out of fossil fuel energy sources in Denmark and Europe.
To wrap up the day, Boudewijn Neijens, Chief Marketing Officer at Coppperleaf, delivered the keynote address and facilitated an energy transition roundtable discussion featuring speakers from the Danish Energy Agency, KONSTANT, and Landsvirkjun. They discussed how the energy transition is impacting the nature and regulation of the European energy system, and its effect on investment planning and optimisation.
The next Nordic AIPM Forum, will be held on 23 November 2022, in Tivoli Gardens.