Water Filtration


Webinar: Asset Investment Planning and Management – The Copperleaf Approach


Maggio 31, 2023 - Maggio 31, 2023


Online Event

Join the Institue of Water – Scottish area for a session on Asset Investment Planning and Management (AIPM), with Lisa McKenzie, Senior Consultant, and Steve Webb, Solutions Consultant, from Copperleaf.

  • How has asset investment planning changed in recent years?
  • How can we create the foundations needed for the asset investment planning of the future?
  • ‘Value’ means different things to different people… How can we define it?
  • What is value-based decision making and how can we implement it?
  • How can we link corporate and ESG objectives with priorities on the ground?

We’ll discuss all these topics and more with a live demonstration of the Copperleaf suite. Join our session to learn how the methodology is used to enhance decision-making, manage risk, and maximize value.

We look forward to connecting with you!  Register here.